Category: Bilingual

Dear Prodigy Cover Photo
February 13, 2023 by Dear Prodigy 0 Comments

Bangla Schools for Kids in USA- Learn Bengali Language

Are you looking for Bangla schools near you for your child to learn Bengali language, culture, heritage, music, dance, etc? This blog will help you to find the best Bangla schools in New York, Virginia, Maryland, Texas and many other states in United States. You will find the school’s website, phone number, email address, and other information such their Facebook page in this post. We try to continuously update this post with recent information. However, if we have missed any good Bengali learning schools in USA or if there is any incorrect information, please let us know by sending an email at or by commenting below.

Why Learn Bengali?

It is a common belief that exposing infants or toddlers to more than one language may cause delays in their speech or language development. The idea that two languages cause language delays in children has been a long-standing myth in the United States. However, research has debunked this myth. Children are able to learn two languages at the same pace as other children who are learning only one language [1].

At Dear Prodigy, we believe that our children who have their roots in Bangladesh or West Bengal but are living or growing in other countries should be given the chance of learning the sweetest language in the world, Bengali.

Benefits of Learning Bengali

Learning two languages from childhood has immense benefits. The kids can communicate with their parents, grandparents using the words, phrases that were passed to them from generation to generation. They can communicate more easily with relatives and extended family members living in Bangladesh. Not only that, learning multiple languages is also beneficial for their cognitive development.

Is Bengali Difficult to Learn?

Short answer: No. Bengali alphabet has 50 letters only. Bengali is the fifth most-spoken native language and the seventh most spoken language by a total number of speakers in the world [2, 3]. If you are a native Bengali speaker parent and if you use Bengali at home, it will be easier for your child to learn Bengali without much effort. With proper resources and dedication, anyone can learn Bengali, just like any other language. It’s just a matter of time and effort put into the learning process. If you want to learn or teach the basics- Bengali Alphabet- we would recommend Dear Prodigy’s Bengali Alphabet book.

What are the Bengali / Bangla Schools in USA?

There are many Bangla language and Bengali culture promoting schools in the United States; particularly in the states where there is a good number of people from Bangladesh or West Bengal. Majority of the Bengali schools are designed for kids and toddlers. Below, we provide a list of Bengali Schools in different US states. Further details about each school is provided below the table.

Bengali / Bangla Schools in Maryland

Maryland Bangla School promotes Bangla language, Bangladeshi culture and traditions as well as basic islamic education among Bangladeshi-American children living in Maryland.

Location3225A Corporate Ct, Ellicott City, MD 21042
Phone443-255-6331 (Mr. Abul Kashim ) 443-388-0719 (Dr. Jamal Uddin)
Bengali / Bangla Schools in Texas

Austin Bangla School is a combined effort of the expatriate Austinite Bangladeshis. The goal of the school is to acquaint Bangladeshi cultural roots to the next generation and to introduce Bangla as a second language of communication for them. Established in 2001, this school is conducted every Summer with seven classes: Kothopokothon, BornoKotha, BornoMala, ShobdoShekha, Juktakkhor, Bakoron and Rochona.

Location1801 Chula Vista Drive, Cedar Park, TX 78613
Phone+1 512-588-3227

Their Mission is to promote the Bengali language and its literature within the community, and to educate them of the Bengali language. By doing this, the school promotes diversity in the community and enlightens the community about Bengali language and literature.

Location13944 Schiller Road , Houston, TX, United States, Texas

Bangla class operates less as a rigid school than as a nurturing, family-oriented environment for our students, a fun and welcoming one whose singular mission is to connect our students to their heritage and develop a love and understanding for the Bengali language and culture. Former students and their families are forever bound to the school and remain engaged with the current students and their families – much like you’d expect an extended Indian family to be.

Location1605 N Britain Rd, Irving, TX 75061
Phone(974) 863-2657 

ABAC’s Bangla school was founded in 1997 as an endeavor to bring together members of the Bengali community across Dallas Fort Worth to introduce Bengali-American children to Bengali language and culture. Over the years, it has evolved into a bigger community of students, teachers, volunteers and their families who work together to create a fun learning environment and experience for students. Students learn in an immersive environment, gaining knowledge of the fundamentals of spoken Bangla, short poems and learning to read and write Bangla, in small classes and groups.

Location3630 Harry Hines Blvd, Dallas,TX 75219-3201
Phone+1 972-850-6646

Bangla School of Dallas is a Bangladeshi not-for-profit organization based in Dallas, Texas. The school teaches Bangla, Bangladeshi dance and music to new generation of Bangladeshi kids. Classes are held every Sunday. Started on January 1, 2012, the school has been helping Bangladeshi kids to keep in touch with their ethnic root.

Bengali / Bangla Schools in New York

Bangla Bolo is an institute that is focused on cultivating a strong foundation in communication, and helping your child work on their ability to speak and write in our beautiful language of Bangla. We will try to bridge the gap of communication in our mother tongue with generations living abroad. We hope that by learning the language our next generation will be more open towards our beautiful culture and heritage. We have curated several layers of lessons that will enable us to focus on the students’ strengths and weaknesses. We will cater to the need of each learner and evolve our lesson plans accordingly. Our teachers have an excellent grasp of both English and Bangla which they will endeavor to pass that on to our students.

Location Online Based
Phone+1 (973) 520-7665

Manhattan Bangla Cultural School is a Bangladeshi school. The classes are held at Patrick Henry Preparatory School every Saturday and Sunday. The school teaches Bangla language and culture of Bangladesh thorough Bangla music, poem, recitation, dance and discussion. 

Location19 E 103rd St, New York, NY 10029

BIPA is a non-profit organization that strives to promote Bangladeshi arts and language in New York City’s growing multi-cultural communities. We offer accessible classes and provide platforms for emerging artists and performers while increasing exposure to the rich Bangladeshi arts among New Yorkers.

LocationWoodside, Queens, NY
Phone(917) 674-4746

Long Island Muslim Society (LIMS) is a religious, educational and not-for-profit organization that was established in 1990. LIMS is dedicated to the service of the community through educational programs, interfaith dialogue, and humanitarian services.

Location475 East Meadow Avenue, East Meadow, NY 11554
Phone(516) 357-9060

The school’s main purpose is to teach the Asian Indian language of Bengali (which is also spoken in the country of Bangladesh) to children interested in learning about the language and culture of West Bengal and India.

Location1170 E Main St, Shrub Oak, NY 10588
Bengali / Bangla Schools in Virginia

Bornomala Shikkhangon is a voluntary based Bangla school promoting Bengali education and culture to the children. Bornomala Shikkhangon is running completely free and they have dedicated volunteer-Instructors who are happy to focus on Musical & Dance, Bangla Language, Math and Arts. They are providing free school stationary such as book and witting materials. Free Snacks are also provided during the class time. Their mission is promoting public awareness to the Bengali community for the language and culture of Bangladesh. Their vision is to ensure that the young groups of Bangladeshi community can promote and practice Bengali culture, heritage and language.

Location1400 G street, Woodbridge, Virginia 22191
Phone+1 (571) 315-9497

Its mission is to forge a path that leads to a brighter future and to Maximize each Child’s Potential while connected to their ancestor’s rich and vibrant cultural roots. For the past 20 years, BCCDI hosting “Pohela Boishak, Pitha Utshob, and Upohar Mela” in addition to International Mother Language Day (21st February), Independence Day of Bangladesh (26th March), and Victory Day of Bangladesh (16th December) celebration, in Fairfax County, more than a few thousand of community members participate to enjoy the entertainments by the BCCDI students and to shop in many cultural arts and crafts stores (vendors) and taste authentic gourmet foods.

Location12662 Lake Ridge Dr. Suite # A, Woodbridge, VA, 22192
Phone+1 703-828-5319



  1. Bialystok, Ellen. “Reshaping the mind: the benefits of bilingualism.” Canadian journal of experimental psychology = Revue canadienne de psychologie experimentale vol. 65,4 (2011): 229-35. doi:10.1037/a0025406.
  2. “The World Factbook”. Central Intelligence Agency. Retrieved 21 February 2018.
  3. “Summary by language size”. Ethnologue. 2019. Archived from the original on 24 April 2019. Retrieved 21 February 2019.

Bengali Books for Children
February 13, 2023 by Dear Prodigy 0 Comments

Bengali Books for Children in USA

Are you looking for Bengali books for your kids that are available in USA? We have handpicked a list of available sources from where you can buy good quality Bengali books for children. And if you know any other resource that we missed, please let us know in the comment and we will check them out! 

বাংলা বর্ণমালা বই
  • বইটিতে শব্দ, ছবি, ও রং নির্বাচনে আমরা বাঙ্গালী কৃষ্টি ও ঐতিহ্যের সাথে আধুনিকতার একটা বন্ধন তৈরির চেষ্টা করেছি।
  • বাচ্চারা বই নিয়ে খেলে, খেলতে খেলতে শেখে। বইটি যেন সহজে নষ্ট না হয় সেজন্য আমরা লেমিনেটেড মোটা সাদা বোর্ডের পৃষ্ঠা এবং হার্ডকাভার ব্যবহার করেছি। এতে খুব সহজেই বইটি যেকোনো দাগ বা পানি থেকে সুরক্ষিত থাকবে।
  • বাচ্চারা যেন সহজেই বইটি হাতে নিতে পারে সেজন্য আমরা আকার, আকৃতি ও ওজনের দিকে খেয়াল করেছি। বইটির আকার মাত্র ৬ ইঞ্চি বাই ৬ ইঞ্চি এবং ওজন এক পাউন্ডেরও কম। এছাড়াও বইটির কর্নার গুলো গোল করে কাটা যাতে বাচ্চাদের হাতে গুঁতো না লাগে। 
  • বইটিতে বাংলা এবং ইংরেজি, এই দুই ভাষাতে শব্দ গুলো উচ্চারণসহ দেয়া আছে।
  • A Bengali alphabet (Bangla Bornomala) Book that connects Bengali culture, tradition with modern illustrations creating a unique learning experience.
  • The words and images for the letters are selected from children’s familiar objects. The pages and objects are illustrated with attractive, rich and vibrant colors.
  • A Bilingual (Bangla-English) Book with Bengali and English word meanings and English pronunciations.
  • The book is Easy to clean off any stain or water. It has thick Laminated Whiteboard inner pages and Laminated Hardboard cover.
  • বাংলা সংখ্যা [১-১০] এবং ইংরেজি [1-10] গণনা শেখার জন্য ছড়াগল্প সহ চমৎকার একটি রঙিন বই।
  • শিশু তার মা-বাবার সাথে সকাল থেকে সন্ধ্যা পর্যন্ত প্রকৃতির মাঝে ঘুরে বেড়াচ্ছে আর গণনার সাথে পরিচিত হচ্ছে- এই রকম সুন্দর একটি ছড়াগল্প নিয়ে এই চমৎকার বইটি।
  • প্রতিটি ছবি শিশুদের পরিচিত বস্তু থেকে নেয়া হয়েছে। ছবিগুলো ছোটদের জন্য উপযোগী এবং আকর্ষণীয় রঙ দিয়ে আঁকা হয়েছে।
  • পাতা গুলো খুবই ভাল মানের লেমিনেটেড সুইস বোর্ডের তৈরি, তাই যেকোনো দাগ বা পানি পরিষ্কার করা খুবই সহজ।
  • ছোটদের হাতের জন্য বইয়ের আকার একদম যথাযথ- ৬ ইঞ্চি x ৬ ইঞ্চি।
  • সংখ্যাগুলি ইংরেজিতে উচ্চারণ সহ বাংলা এবং ইংরেজি উভয় ভাষায় লেখা যাতে শিশুরা সহজেই শিখতে পারে।
  • A colorful book with a rhyming story to learn counting in Bengali. The numbers are written both in Bengali and English language with pronunciation in English so that bilingual children can learn easily. The story is written like a gentle rhyme, with simple Bengali words. It’s a story of a child and parent going on an adventure to experience numbers in nature together from morning till bedtime.
  • Counting in Bengali [১-১০] and English [1-10]
  • Learn Bangla Numbers Counting from Nature
  • Children-Parent Interaction through a Rhyming Story.
  • A Morning-to-Bedtime Adventure Story in Bengali.
  • PLAY and LEARN BANGLA: These 20 SELF-CORRECTING word puzzles are excellent for playing and at the same time learning Bengali alphabets and words. There are words without vowel marks (কার), such as বল/কলম; these are the easiest. Then we provided some words with vowel marks, such as মাছ/খেলনা.
  • PROBLEM SOLVING: These puzzles are a great way for your child to develop their cognitive skills, problem solving skills, hand-eye coordination, and essential motor skills.
  • OBJECT RECOGNITION: The illustrations in the puzzles are selected from objects that are familiar to a kid or toddler such as ball (বল), car (গাড়ি), bird (পাখি), etc. Some illustrations such as rickshaw (রিকশা) are added to familiarize your child with the Bengali tradition.
  • LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT: These puzzles help your child to improve their bilingual (Bengali-English) skills. Each puzzle piece contains one Bengali letter and its English pronunciation . Your child will learn how to connect the pieces and form the Bengali word.
  • PERFECT SIZE and PREMIUM QUALITY: Each puzzle set is 4.25 inches long and 4.25 inches wide which makes it easy for your child to grasp and play. The puzzle pieces are made with premium quality, laminated, thick cardboards.
3. Bengali Learning Materials from Other Publishers

Bengali Alphabet Book
February 1, 2023 by Dear Prodigy 0 Comments

Bengali Books for Your Child- Bengali Alphabet or Bangla Bornomala Book for Kids

Looking at all the beautifully illustrated, high-quality English alphabet books in the stores, have you ever wondered

Oh! I wish there was a similar quality Bangla alphabet book for my child!”

If you did, you are not alone. I also searched quite a bit for a beautiful Bangla alphabet board book suitable for kids but didn’t find many options. That led me to decide, “What if I design one?”; not only for my children but also for all the parents who would love to give a quality Bangla alphabet book to their kids. That kind of started the journey of Dear Prodigy!

Bangla Bornomala Book
Bangla Bornomala Book

Designing this book was a lot of fun! Putting myself in a kid’s shoes, I tried to imagine what words and objects children interact with regularly. Then I contextualized them with Bengali culture and tradition and illustrated them in a simple yet modern, visually interesting way with rich and vibrant colors. I selected laminated whiteboards for the book’s pages so that they can withstand all of your child’s experiments Also, the book is wrapped with a hardcover with rounded corners to avoid any injury. So, the main features of the book are-

  • A Bengali alphabet board Book that connects Bengali culture, tradition with modern illustrations creating a unique learning experience.
  • The words and images for the letters are selected from children’s familiar objects, often contextualizing with Bengali culture. The pages and objects are illustrated with attractive, rich, and vibrant colors.
  • A Bilingual (Bangla-English) Book with Bengali and English word meanings and English pronunciations.
  • Easy to clean any stain or water. Thick Laminated Whiteboard inner pages and Laminated Hardboard cover.
  • Easy for Little Hands to Grasp. Page size 6 inches x 6 inches. Book weighs less than a pound. Rounded corner to avoid injury to your child.

You can order the book from Amazon. Here is the link

Please let me know how your child liked this book. If it helps even a tiny bit in your child’s Bangla language learning, that would be my success. If you have any feedback, just reach me on any of Dear Prodigy’s social accounts or through email. I will keep improving the book in future editions. Thanks for believing in Dear Prodigy!

Check our Bengali Numbers Book with Rhymes and The Bengali Word Spelling Puzzle

Our Recent Blogs

January 28, 2023 by Dear Prodigy 0 Comments

Do Bilingual Children Have Academic Problems Once They Start School?

A common myth around bilingualism is that bilingual children will face academic problems when they start school. ​It is not fully correct. It depends on the age of the child and also the school setting. For example, for an older child who has been speaking their mother language since childhood and just got admitted to a school in a foreign country, it might be difficult to understand and process all the information in the class. This is not due to bilingualism. That child only knew one language, for example, Bengali, and now facing a completely different language, say English. It could be better served to get instruction in the language they know while they’re learning English.

However, for younger children, being bilingual actually helps in their academic careers. Research shows many academic advantages of bilingualism, including superior problem-solving, multitasking skills, and increased cognitive flexibility. Children who are being exposed to multiple languages from their childhood, are more comfortable in problem-solving, doing works that require multitasking. Kids thrive when they are in a bilingual academic setting — giving them a future advantage over monolingual children. Bilingualism is an asset in post-secondary applications and for career development.

Dear Prodigy has been continuously working to develop materials to help kids learn Bengali in a fun way. So far, we have designed a Bengali Alphabet Board Book that reflects Bengali culture, tradition, and heritage. You can check out the book reviews at Amazon [] or on our Facebook page [].

We also designed a beautiful Bengali Alphabet Poster for kids and also for adults. It can be put in the nursery room as well as in your living room. We will not shy away from saying it’s a piece of Bengali Art.


  1. Marian V, Shook A, Schroeder SR. Bilingual Two-Way Immersion Programs Benefit Academic Achievement. Biling Res J. 2013;36(2):10.1080/15235882.2013.818075. doi:10.1080/15235882.2013.818075
  2. Bialystok, Ellen. “Reshaping the mind: the benefits of bilingualism.” Canadian journal of experimental psychology = Revue canadienne de psychologie experimentale vol. 65,4 (2011): 229-35. doi:10.1037/a0025406.

January 28, 2023 by Dear Prodigy 0 Comments

Does Learning two Languages Confuse Children?

Unfortunately, many people think that there is only room enough in a child’s brain for one language. However, if we look around at other countries, we can easily see that in many places, children grow up learning two, three, and sometimes more languages without any cost to their educational development. For example, in Switzerland, the home language may be French, Swiss-German, Italian, or Romansh, but most children learn one additional language very early, and by the time they graduate from secondary school, the majority of students are trilingual. Another good example is India.

Contrary to the idea that two languages confuse people, there is evidence that well-developed bilingualism actually enhances one’s “cognitive flexibility” — that is, bilingual people (including children) are better able to see things from two or more perspectives and to understand how other people think. (Hakuta, 1986). Bilinguals also have better auditory language skills (i.e., they can discriminate sounds of a language more finely) than monolinguals, and they mature earlier than monolinguals in terms of linguistic abstraction (i.e., ability to think and talk about language). (Albert and Obler, 1978, cited in Cummins, 1994).


  1. Myths About Bilingualism in Individuals

January 26, 2023 by Dear Prodigy 0 Comments

Bilingual Myth Busting: Let Your Child Learn Bengali

It is a common belief that exposing infants or toddlers to more than one language may cause delays in their speech or language development. The idea that two languages cause language delays in children has been a long-standing myth in the United States. However, research has dispelled this myth. Children are able to learn two languages at the same pace as other children who are learning only one language. [1]

At Dear Prodigy, we believe that our children who have their roots in Bangladesh or Kolkata but are living or growing in other countries should be given the chance of learning the sweetest language in the world, Bengali. Learning two languages from childhood has immense benefits. The kids can communicate with their parents, grandparents using the words, expressions that were passed to them from generation to generation. They can communicate more easily with relatives and extended family members living in Bangladesh/Kolkata. Not only these, learning multiple languages is also beneficial for their cognitive development. 

Dear Prodigy has been continuously working to develop materials to help kids learn Bengali in a fun way. So far, we have designed a Bengali Alphabet Board Book that reflects Bengali culture, tradition, and heritage. You can check out the book reviews at Amazon [] or on our Facebook page [].

We also designed a beautiful Bengali Alphabet Poster for kids and also for adults. It can be put in the nursery room as well as in your living room. We will not shy away from saying it’s a piece of Bengali Art.

Dear Prodigy has been continuously working to develop materials to help kids learn Bengali in a fun way. So far, we have designed a Bengali Alphabet Board Book that reflects Bengali culture, tradition, and heritage. You can check out the book reviews at Amazon [] or on our Facebook page [].

We also designed a beautiful Bengali Alphabet Poster for kids and also for adults. It can be put in the nursery room as well as in your living room. We will not shy away from saying it’s a piece of Bengali Art.


  1. Marian V, Shook A, Schroeder SR. Bilingual Two-Way Immersion Programs Benefit Academic Achievement. Biling Res J. 2013;36(2):10.1080/15235882.2013.818075. doi:10.1080/15235882.2013.818075